Business Dynamics offer our clients asssessments prior to the start of an initiative to ensure that the necessary capabilities are in place prior to when needed.
Like the review, that is used to evaluate the initiative after it has started, the assessment evaluate the readyness and preparedness to enter a major transformation. One of the key aspects to be in control over is the present state maturity and the target state maturity for the transformation.
Working with organisational maturity focused on succeding with a major transformation is an integrated part of the organisational change management and takes several aspects into account. The most important parts are stated in the picture above, namely Operational, Business, Transformational and Architectural.
As a first step towards awareness Business Dynamics offer our clients a web based self assessment here.
This will give you a glimpse of your readyness for entering into the transformation that you are contemplating. For more information and a meeting please contact Business Dynamics.